Thursday, July 2, 2009

Enterprise 2.0 turns 3

Did you know the term Enterprise 2.0 was first coined in 2006 by Andrew McAfee, associate professor of technology and operations management at Harvard Business School? He published an article in MIT's Sloan Management Review on April 1, but it was no joke. And it helped to formulate a movement behind the technologies driving the market.

Andrew is prolific on the topic of enterprise 2.0. He's active on Twitter, his blog and speaks at many events. C.G. Lynch with IDG News Service published an interview with Andrew in which Lynch asked questions about what's next for the market.

Andrew said he sees all types of engagements of enterprise 2.0 technologies.

"I definitely get the strong impression that the use of these Enterprise 2.0 tools within companies for business purposes is accelerating instead of decelerating. One of the really heartening things is that this isn't just a phenomenon for high-tech companies, or companies that employ tons of Gen Y workers. It's happening at different kinds of companies, industries and sectors of the economy."

Read the rest of the article. Also, Andrew has a new book coming out soon, entitled: Enterprise 2.0: New Collaborative Tools for your Organization's Toughest Challenges.

What do you think is next for enterprise 2.0?

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